1. ARANHA, F.J.; RODRIGUES, M.S.; CORREIA, M.M.F.; CARVALHO, I.S. & MARTINS, F.J.C. 1997. Itapecuru River Basin (Maranhão, Brazil): limnological, geological and geomorphological preliminary characterization. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol., 26:857-859.
  2. CARVALHO, I.S. & PEDRÃO, E. 1998. Brazilian Theropods from the Equatorial Atlantic margin: behavior and environmental setting. Gaia, Lisboa, 15:369-378.
  3. CARVALHO, I.S. & BERTINI, R.J. 1999. Mariliasuchus: um novo Crocodylomorpha (Notosuchia) do Cretáceo da Bacia Bauru, Brasil. Revista Geologia Colombiana, Colômbia, 24: 83-105.
  4. VILAS BÔAS, I. & CARVALHO, I.S. 1999. Mosasaurios de la Formación Itapecurú (Cretácico Superior), playa de la Baronesa, Alcântara (Estado de Maranhão), Brasil. In: XV JORNADAS ARGENTINAS DE PALEONTOLOGÍA DE VERTEBRADOS, 1999. Ameghiana, La Plata, Argentina, 36(4): 24 R.
  5. CARVALHO, I.S. 2000. Geological environments of dinosaur footprints in the intracratonic basins from Northeast Brazil during South Atlantic opening (Early Cretaceous). Cretaceous Research, 21: 255-267.
  6. CARVALHO, I.S. 2000. Huellas de saurópodos Eocretácicas de la cuenca de Sousa (Serrote do Letreiro, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil). Ameghiniana, Argentina, 37(3): 353-362.
  7. CARVALHO, I.S. & BERTINI, R.J. 2000. Contexto geológico dos notossúquios (Crocodylomorpha) cretácicos do Brasil. Revista Geologia Colombiana, Colômbia, 25: 163-184.
  8. ARAI, M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2001. Cretaceous conchostracans from Alagoas Basin (northeastern Brazil). Proceedings of VII International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Buenos Aires, 1999, Associación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 7, Buenos Aires 2001, p. 21-24.
  9. LANA, C.C. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2001. Cretaceous Brackish water Conchostraca from Potiguar Basin, northeastern Brazil. Proceedings of VII International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Buenos Aires, 1999, Associación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 7, Buenos Aires 2001, p. 71-75.
  10. LANA, C.C. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2002. Cretaceous conchostracans from Potiguar Basin (northeast Brazil): relationships with west African conchostracan faunas and palaeoecological inferences. Cretaceous Research, 23(3): 351-362.
  11. CARVALHO, I.S.; AVILLA, L.S. & SALGADO, L. 2003. Amazonsaurus maranhensis gen. et sp. nov. (Sauropoda, Diplodocoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) of Brazil. Cretaceous Research, 24: 697-713.
  12. CARVALHO, L.S. 2004. Dinosaur footprints from Northeastern Brazil: taphonomy and environmental setting, Ichnos, 11: 311-324.
  13. NOVAS, F. E.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2003. Maniraptoran theropod ungual from the Marília Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Brazil. Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n. s. 79(1) Bueno Aires 2005, p. 31-36.
  14. CARVALHO, I.S.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B. & AVILLA, L.S. 2004. Uberabasuchus terrificus sp. nov., a New Crocodylomorpha from the Bauru Basin (Upper Cretaceous), Brazil, Gondwana Research, 7(4): 975-1002.
  15. CARVALHO, I.S.; FERNANDES, A.C.S.; ANDREIS, R.R.; PACIULLO, F.V.P.; RIBEIRO, A. & TROUW, R.A.J. & 2005. The Ichnofossils of the Triassic Hope Bay Formation, Trinity Peninsula Group, Antarctic Peninsula, Ichnos, 12: 191–200.
  16. CARVALHO, I.S.; CAMPOS, A.C.A. & NOBRE, P.H. 2005. Baurusuchus salgadoensis, a New Crocodylomorpha from the Bauru Basin (Cretaceous), Brazil, Gondwana Research, 8 (1):11-30.
  17. NOBRE, P.H. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2006. Adamantinasuchus navae: A new Gondwanan Crocodylomorpha (Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil, Gondwana Research, V. 10, no. 1, p. 370–378.
  18. SALGADO, L; CARVALHO, I.S. & GARRIDO, A.C. 2006. Zapalasaurus bonapartei, un nuevo dinosaurio saurópodo de La Formación La Amarga (Cretácico Inferior), noroeste de Patagonia, Provincia de Neuquén, Argentina Geobios, 39: 695–707.
  19. SILVA, R. C.; CARVALHO, I.S. & SCHWANKE, C., 2007. Vertebrate dinoturbation from the Caturrita Formation (Late Triassic, Paraná Basin), Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil Gondwana Research, 11: 303–310
  20. NOBRE, H.N.;CARVALHO, I.S.; VASCONCELLOS, F.M. & SOUTO, P.R. 2007 Feeding behavior of the Gondwanic Crocodylomorpha Mariliasuchus amarali from the Upper Cretaceous Bauru Basin, Brazil Gondwana Research, 11:1–21.
  21. CARVALHO, I.S.; VASCONCELLOS, F.M. & TAVARES, S.A.S.2007. Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi, a new peirosaurid crocodile (Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Late Cretaceous Adamantina Formation of Brazil. Zootaxa, 1607: 35–46.
  22. NOVAS, F.E.; CARVALHO, I.S.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B. & MÉNDEZ, A.H., 2008. First Abelisaurid Bone Remains from the maastrichtian Marília Formation, Bauru Basin In: Cretaceous Research, 29, p. 625-635.
  23. FERNANDES, M. A. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2008. Revisão Diagnóstica para a Icnoespécie de Tetrápode Mesozóico Brasilichnium Elusivum (Leonardi, 1981) (Mammalia) da Formação Botucatu, Bacia do Paraná, Brasil. Ameghiniana, 45 (1), p. 167-173.
  24. SALGADO, L.. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2008. Uberabatitan Ribeiroi, A New Titanosaur from the Marília Formation (Bauru Group, UPPER Creataceous), Minas Gerais, Brasil. Paleontology. 51 (4), p. 881-901.
  25. CARVALHO, I.S. & DA-ROSA, Á.A.S. 2008. Patrimônio Paleontológico no Brasil: Relevância para o Desenvolvimento Sócio-Econômico. Memórias e Notícias – Publicações do Departamento de Ciências da Terra e do Museu Mineralógico e Ecológico da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 3, p. 15-28.
  26. FERNANDES, M. A.; FRANCISCHINI FILHO, W.R. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2008. Paleoicnologia Urbana: o Patrimônio Fossilífero de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Memórias e Notícias – Publicações do Departamento de Ciências da Terra e do Museu Mineralógico e Ecológico da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 3, p. 455-462.
  27. MANSUR, K.L.; CARVALHO, I.S.; DELPHIM & BARROSO, E.V. 2008. O Gnaisse Facoidal e a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro: um Caso Clássico de Paisagem Cultural. Memórias e Notícias – publicações do Departamento de Ciências da Terra e do Museu Mineralógico e Ecológico da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 3, p. 469-474.
  28. SANTOS, W.F.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; FERNANDES, A.C.S. & RIBEIRO, L.C.B. 2008. O Patrimônio Mineiro em Peirópolis – Uberaba, Minas Gerais (Brasil): Potencial para uso Geoturístico. Memórias e Notícias – publicações do Departamento de Ciências da Terra e do Museu Mineralógico e Ecológico da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 3, p. 515-521.
  29. SILVA, R.C.; CARVALHO, I.S. & FERNANDES, A.C.S., 2008, Pegadas de Dinossauros do Triássico (Formação Santa Maria) do Brasil, AMEGHINIANA, 45 (4): 783-790.
  30. SILVA, R.C.; FERIGOLO, J; CARVALHO, I.S.; FERNANDES, A.C.S. 2008. Lacertoid footprints from the Upper Triassic (Santa Maria Formation) of Southern Brazil, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 262: p. 140–156.
  31. PEREIRA, R.; CARVALHO, I.S.; SIMONEIT, B.R.T. & AZEVEDO, D.A. 2009. Molecular Composition and Chemosystematic Aspects of Cretaceous Amber from the Amazonas, Araripe and Recôncavo Basins, Brazil, Organic Geochemistry, 40:863–875.
  32. MARINHO, T.S. & CARVALHO, I.S., 2009, An Armadillo-like Sphagesaurid Crocodyliform from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 27:36–41.
  33. NOVAS, F.E.; PAIS, D.F.; POL, D.; CARVALHO, I.S.; SCANFERLA,A.; MONES, A. & RIGLOS, M.S. 2009, Bizarre Notosuchian Crocodyliform With Associated Eggs from the Upper Cretaceous of Bolivia, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(4):1316–1320.
  34. VASCONCELLOS, F.M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2010. Paleoichnological Assemblage Associated with Baurusuchus Salgadoensis Remains, a Baurusuchidae Mesoeucrocodylia from the Bauru Basin, Brazil (Late Cretaceous). In: Milàn, J., Lucas, S.G.; Lockley, M.G. & Spielmann, J.A. (eds.). Crocodyle tracks and traces. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 51:227-237.
  35. CARVALHO, I.S.; GASPARINI, Z.B.; SALGADO, L.; VASCONCELLOS, F.M. & MARINHO, T.S. 2010. Climate’s Role in the Distribution of the Cretaceous terrestrial Crocodyliformes Throughout Gondwana. In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 297: p.252–262.
  36. CARVALHO, I.S.; TEIXEIRA, V.P.A.; FERRAZ, M.L.F.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B.; MARTINELL, A.G.; NETO, F.M.; SERTICH, J.J.W.; CUNHA, G.C.; CUNHA, I.C. & FERRAZ, P.F. 2011. Campinasuchus dinizi gen. et sp. nov., a new Late Cretaceous baurusuchid (Crocodyliformes) from the Bauru Basin, Brazil Zootaxa, 2871: 19–42.
  37. MANSUR, K.L. & CARVALHO, I.S. Characterization and Valuation of the Geological Heritage Identified in the Peró Dune Field, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Geoheritage, (2011) 3:97–115.
  38. IORI, F.V. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2011. Caipirasuchus paulistanus, a new sphagesaurid (Crocodylomorpha, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Adamantina Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Turonian–Santonian), Bauru Basin, Brazil Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(6):1255-1264.
  39. MARTINELLI, A.G.; FERRAZ, P.F.; CUNHA, G.C.; CUNHA, I.C.; CARVALHO, I.S.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B.; NETO, F.M.; CAVELLANI, C.L.; TEIXEIRA,V.P.A.; FERRAZ, M.L.F. 2012. First record of Eremotherium laurillardi (Lund, 1842) (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megatheriidae) in the Quaternary of Uberaba, Triângulo Mineiro (Minas Gerais State), Brazil Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2012) 37:202-207.
  40. LINDOSO, R.M.; MEDEIROS, M.A.; CARVALHO, I.S.; & MARINHO, T.S. 2012. Masiakasaurus-like theropod teeth from the Alcântara Formation, São Luís Basin (Cenomanian), northeastern Brazil Cretaceous Research (2012) 36:119-124.
  41. RIBEIRO, R.C.; KINOSHITA, A.; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G.; CARVALHO, I.S. & BAFFA, O. 2012. Electron Spin Resonance dating of the Late Quaternary megafauna fossils from Baixa Grande, Bahia, Brazil In: Quaternary International xxx (2012) 1-6.
  42. NOBRE, P.H. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2013. Postcranial Skeleton of Mariliasuchus Amarali Carvalho and Bertini, 1999 (Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Bauru Basin, Upp er Cretaceous of Brazil In: Ameghiniana (2013) 50(1)–98-113.
  43. MARINHO, T.S.; IORI, F.V.; CARVALHO, I.S.; & VASCONCELLOS, F.M. 2013. Gondwanasuchus scabrosus gen. et sp. nov., a new terrestrial predatory crocodyliform (Mesoeucrocodylia: Baurusuchidae) from the Late Cretaceous Bauru Basin of Brazil In: Cretaceous Research, 44(2013): 104-111.
  44. IORI, F.V.; MARINHO, T.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; & CAMPOS, A.C.A. 2013. Taxonomic reappraisal of the sphagesaurid crocodyliform Sphagesaurus montealtensis from the Late Cretaceous Adamantina Formation of São Paulo State, Brazil In: Zootaxa 3686 (2): 183–200
  45. LINDOSO, R.M.; MARINHO, T.S.; SANTUCCI, R.M., MEDEIROS, M.A. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2013. A Titanosaur (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) Osteoderm from the Alcântara Formation (Cenomanian), São Luís Basin, Northeastern Brazil In: Cretaceous Research 45 (2013) 43-48.
  46. CARVALHO, I.S.; BORGHI, L.; & LEONARDI, G. 2013. Preservation of Dinosaur Tracks Induced by Microbial Mats in the Sousa Basin (Lower Cretaceous), Brazil In: Cretaceous Research 44 (2013) 112-121.
  47. CARVALHO, I.S.; MENDES, J.C. & COSTA, T. 2013. The Role of Fracturing and Mineralogical Alteration of Basement Gneiss in the Oil Exhsudation in the Sousa Basin (Lower Cretaceous), Northeastern Brazil In: Cretaceous Research 47 (2013) 47-54.
  48. MARTINELLI, A.; MARINHO, T.S.; VASCONCELLOS, F.M.; SANTOE, C.M.; RIBEIRO, L.C.B.; SANTOS, S.M.; CARVALHO, I.S.; NETO, F.M.; FONSECA, P.M.; CAVELLANI, C.L.; FERRAZ, M.L.F. & TEXEIRA, V.P.A. 2013. Tooth Marks of Mammalian Incisors on Rocky Substrate in Brazil: Evidence of Geophagy in the Cerrado Biome In: Ichnos 20:173–180, 2013.
  49. SANTOS, W.F.S. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2013. The Public Opinion of the Teachers About the Mineral Exploitation in São José de Itaboraí Basin – Itaboraí (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil) In: Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 28 (2013), p. 133-136, 6 figs.
  50. MEDEIROS,M.A.; LINDOSO, R.M.; MENDES,I.D. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2014. The Cretaceous (Cenomanian) continental record of the Laje do Coringa flagstone (Alcântara Formation), northeastern South America In: Journal of South American Earth Sciences 53 (2014) p. 50-58, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2014.04.002.
  51. RIBEIRO, L.C.B.; CARVALHO, I.S. & NETO, F.M. 2014. Geopark Uberaba: Relevance of the Geological Heritage In: Geoheritage (2014) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12371-014-0131-y .
  52. CARVALHO, I.S., NOVAS, F.E.; AGNOLIN,F.L.; ISASI, M.P.; FREITAS, F.I. & ANDRADE, J.A. 2015. A Mesozoic Bird from Gondwana Preserving Feathers In: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 6:7141 – 1-5.
  53. TAVARES, S.A.S.; RICARDI-BRANCO, F. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2015. Osteoderms of Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi (Crocodyliformes, Peirosauridae) from the Turonian-Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Bauru Basin, Brazil  In: Cretaceous Research 56 (2015) 651e 661 – DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2015.07.002 .
  54. FERREIRA,N.N.; FERREIRA, E.P.; RAMOS, R.C.R. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2016. Palynological and sedimentary analysis of the Igarape Ipiranga and Querru 1 outcrops of the Itapecuru Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Parnaíba Basin), Brazil  In: Journal of South American Earth Sciences 66 (2016) 15e31 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2015.12.005.
  55. BRITO, P.M., LINDOSO, R.M.; CARVALHO, I.S. & MACHADO, G.P. 2016. Discovery of y Obaichthyidae gars (Holostei, Ginglymodi, Lepisosteiformes) in the Aptian Codo Formation of the Parnaíba Basin: Remarks on paleobiogeographical and temporal range In: Cretaceous Research 59 (2016) 10e17 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2015.10.017.
  56. IORI, V.F.; CARVALHO, I.S. & MARINHO, T.S. 2016.Postcranial skeletons of Caipirasuchus (Crocodyliformes, Notosuchia, Sphagesauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous (TuronianeSantonian) of the Bauru Basin, Brazil In: Cretaceous Research 60 (2016) 109e120 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2015.11.017.
  57. SANTOS, W.F.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BRILHA, J.B. & LEONARDI, G. 2016. Inventory and Assessment of Palaeontological Sites in the Sousa Basin (Paraíba, Brazil): Preliminary Study to Evaluate the Potential of the Area to Become a Geopark In: Geoheritage DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12371-015-0165-9.
  58. LINDOSO R.M.; MAISEY, J.G. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2016. Ichthyofauna from the Codó Formation, Lower Cretaceous (Aptian, Parnaíba Basin), Northeastern Brazil and their paleobiogeographical and paleoecological significance In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 447 (2016) 53–64 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.01.045.
  59. MALDANIS, L.; CARVALHO, M.; ALMEIDA, M.R.; FREITAS, F.I.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G.; NUNES, R.S.; ROCHITTE, C.E.; POPPI, R.J.; FREITAS, R.O.; RODRIGUES, F.; SILJESTRÖM S.; LIMA, F.A.; GALANTE, G.; CARVALHO, I.S.; PEREZ, C.A.; CARVALHO, M.R.; BETTINI, J.; FERNANDEZ, V.; XAVIER-NETO, J. 2016. Heart Fossilization is Possible and Informs the Evolution of Cardiac Outflow Tract in Vertebrates In: eLife 2016 DOI: 10.7554/eLife (2016)1-12.
  60. COTTS, L.; PINHEIRO, A.E.P.; MARINHO, T.S.; CARVALHO, I.S. & DI DARIO, F. 2017. Postcranial skeleton of Campinasuchus dinizi (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Brazil, with comments on the ontogeny and ecomorphology of the species. In: Cretaceous Research, 70 (2017): 163-188.
  61. CARVALHO, I.S.; SALGADO, L.; LINDOSO, R.M.; ARAÚJO JR., H.I.; NOGUEIRA, F.C.C. & SOARES, J. 2017. A new basal titanosaur (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. In: Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 75 (2017): 74-84.
  62. TAVARES, S.A.S.; BRANCO, F.R.; CARVALHO, I.S. & MALDANIS, L. 2017. The morphofunctional design of Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi (Crocodyliformes, Upper Cretaceous) of the Bauru Basin, Brazil. In: Cretaceous Research, 79(2017): 64-76.
  63. AGNOLÍN, F.L.; ROZADILLA, S. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2017. Praeornis sharovi Rautian, 1978 a fossil feather from the early Late Jurassic of Kazakhstan. In: Historical Biology, 2017: 1-5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2017.1413102.
  64. CARVALHO, I.S.; BORGHI, L. & FERNANDES, A.C.S. 2017. Microbial mediation in invertebrate trace fossil preservation in Sousa Basin (Early Cretaceous), Brazil. Cretaceous Research,  69 (2017): 136-146. 
  65. IORI, F.V. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2018. The Cretaceous crocodyliform Caipirasuchus: behavioral feeding mechanisms Cretaceous Research, 84(2018): 181-187.
  66. SOUZA, A.J.; & CARVALHO, I.S. & FERREIRA, E.P. 2018. Western Gondwana non-marine ostracods from Early Cretaceous lowlatitude ephemeral lake, Northeastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 86(2018): 23-37.
  67. CARVALHO, I.S.; AGNOLIN, F.; ARANCIAGA ROLANDO, M.A.; NOVAS, F.E.; XAVIER-NETO, J.; FREITAS, F.I. & ANDRADE, J.A.F.G. 2019. A new genus of pipimorph frog (Anura) from the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation (Aptian) and the evolution of South American tongueless frogs. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 92 (2019): 222-233.
  68. SANTOS, W.F.; CARVALHO, I.S. & BRILHA, J. 2019. Public Understanding on Geoconservation Strategies at the Passagem das Pedras Geosite, Paraíba (Brazil): Contribution to the Rio do Peixe Geopark Proposal.  Geoheritage. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-019-00420-y.
  69. MARCHETTI, I.; RICARDI-BRANCOA, F.; CALLEFO, F.; DELCOURT, R.; GALANTE, D.; JURIGAN, I.; CARVALHO, I.S. & TAVARES, S.A.S. 2019. Fossildiagenesis and ontogenetic insights of crocodyliform bones from the Adamantina Formation, Bauru Basin, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 96 (2019): 102327.
  70. LINDOSO, R.M.; MEDEIROS, M.A.A.; CARVALHO, I.S.; PEREIRA, A.A.; MENDES, I.D.; IORI, F.V.; SOUSA, E.P.; ARCANJO, S.H. & SILVA, T.C.M. 2019. A new rebbachisaurid (Sauropoda: Diplodocoidea) from the middle Cretaceous of northern Brazil. Cretaceous Research, Cretaceous Research 104 (2019) 10419. doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2019.104191.
  71. TÁVORA, V.A.; CARVALHO, I.S. & SAMPAIO, M.E.B. 2019. Late Cretaceous crustaceans (Decapoda) from the Brazilian Thetyan domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 95 (2019): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102307.
  72. BERNARDES DE OLIVEIRA, V.C.; SILVA, C.M.A.; BORGHI, L. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2019. Lacustrine coquinas and hybrid deposits from rift phase: Pre-Salt, lower Cretaceous, Campos Basin, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 95(2019) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102254.
  73. SOUSA, A.J.; CARVALHO, I.S. & FERREIRA, E. P. 2019. Non-marine ostracod biostratigraphy of cretaceous rift lake deposits (Sousa Basin, Brazil): Paleogeographical implications and correlation With Gondwanic Basins. JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES, v. 2019, p. 102345, 2019.
  74. ALBANI, R.A.;  MANSUR, K.L.; CARVALHO, I.S. & SANTOS, W.F.S. 2020.  Quantitative evaluation of the geosites and geodiversity sites of João Dourado Municipality (Bahia—Brazil). Geoheritage (2020) 12:46  
  75. SANTOS, A.C.S.; GUERRA-SOMMER, M. ; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I. ; SIEGLOCH, A.M ; CARVALHO, I.S ; MENDONÇA FILHO, J.G. ; MENDONÇA, J.O. 2020. Fungus-plant interactions in Aptian Tropical Equatorial Hot arid belt: White rot in araucarian wood from Crato fossil Lagerstätte (Araripe Basin, Brazil). CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 114( 2020), 104525.
  76. AGNOLIN, F.; CARVALHO, I.S.; ARANCIAGA, R.A.M; NOVA, F.E.; XAVIER NETO, J.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G.; FREITAS, F.I. Early Cretaceous neobatrachian frog (Anura) from Brazil sheds light on the origin of modern anurans. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 101(2020), p. 1-8, 102633, 2020.
  77. FERREIRA, N.N.; FERREIRA, E.P.; RAMOS, R.R.C.; CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs from deposits of the Pull-Apart rift of West Gondwana (Parnaíba Basin, Northern Brazil): Biostratigraphy and Relation to Tectonic Events. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. v. 101, p. 1-48, 102612, 2020.
  78. FARIA, F.H. ; CARVALHO, I.S.; ARAÚJO-JR, H.I. Genesis and taphonomic biases of quaternary tank deposits of northeastern Brazil. Quaternary Internationall, v. 2020, p. 1, 2020.
  79. LIMA, J.T.M.; CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Geological or Cultural Heritage? The Ex Situ Scientific Collections as a Remnant of Nature and Culture. Geoheritage. , v.12, p.3 – 10, 2020.
  80. FARIA, F.H.C.F.; KINOSHITA, A.; CARVALHO, I.S.; ARAÚJO-JÚNIOR, H.I.; PEGORIN, P.; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G. & BAFFA, O. 2020. ESR dating of late Quaternary megafauna fossils from JOÃO dourado, Bahia, Brazil, Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2020), doi: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102586.
  81. FRANCISCHINI, H.; FERNANDES, M.A.; KUNZLER, J.; RODRIGUES, R.; LEONARDI, G. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. The Ichnological Record of Araraquara Sidewalks: History, Conservation, and Perspectives from This Urban Paleontological Heritage of Southeastern Brazil. Geoheritage, (2020) 12:50. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-020-00472-5.
  82. HENRIQUES, M.H.; CASTRO, A.R.S.F.; FÉLIX, Y.R. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Promoting sustainability in a low density territory through geoheritage: Casa da Pedra case-study (Araripe Geopark, NE Brazil). Resources Policy, 67(2020): 101684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101684.   
  83. LIMA, J.T.M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2020.  Research and Educational Geological Collections in Brazil: the Conflict Between the Field’s Paradigms of Heritage’s Conservation and Geology. Geoheritage (2020) 12:72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-020-00497-w.
  84. DIAS, J.J., CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Remarkable fossil crickets preservation from Crato Formation (Aptian, Araripe Basin), a Lagerstätten from Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 98 (2020) 102443.
  85. CARVALHO, I.S.; HENRIQUES, M.H.; CASTRO, A.R.S.F.; FÉLIX, Y.R. 2020. Promotion of the Geological Heritage of Araripe Unesco Global Geopark, Brazil: the Casa da Pedra Reference Center. Geoheritage (2020) 12:17 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-020-00452-9.
  86. CARVALHO, I.S. & LEONARDI, G. 2020. Fossil footprints as biosedimentary structures for paleoenvironmental interpretation: Examples from Gondwana. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 2020, p. 102936.
  87. BATISTA, D.L.; CARVALHO, I.S.; DE LA FUENTE, M.S. 2020. A new Cretaceous (Pleurodira:Pelomedusoides) from the Lower Cretaceous of Parnaíba Basin, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2020: DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102872.
  88. SOUZA-FILHO, J.P.; GUILHERME, E.; TOLEDO, P.M.; CARVALHO, I.S.; NEGRI, F.R.; MACIENTE, A.A.R.; CIDADE, G.M.; LACERDA, M.B.S.; SOUZA, L.G. 2020. On a new Melanosuchus species (Alligatoroidea: Caimaninae) from Solimões Formation (Eocene-Pliocene), Northern Brazil, and evolution of Caimaninae. Zootaxa (ONLINE), 4894: 561-593.
  89. CARVALHO, I.S.; LEONARDI, G.; RIOS-NETTO, A.M.; BORGHI, L.; PAULA FREITAS, A.; ANDRADE, J.A. & FREITAS, I.F. 2020. Dinosaur trampling from the Aptian of Araripe basin, ne Brazil, as tools for paleoenvironmental interpretation. Cretaceous Research, v.2020, p.104626.
  90. LEONARDI, G. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Review of the early Mammal Brasilichnium and Brasilichnium-like tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of South America. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 2020, p. 102940.
  91. LIMA, J.T.M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2020. Políticas de curadoria e preservação em acervos de ciência e tecnologia: uma análise comparativa da gestão de coleções de geologia e paleontologia no Brasil. Boletim do Centro Português de Geo-História e Pré-História , v.2, p.17 – 27, 2020.
  92. FARIA, F.H.C.; CARVALHO, I.S & ARAÚJO-JÚNIOR, H.I. 2021. Paleoenvironmental and Paleoecological Inferences of the Quaternary Megafauna of Lajedão do Patrício, Bahia, Brazil. JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 110, p. 103378.
  93. FIGUEIREDO, S.D.; NETO DE CARVALHO, C.; CUNHA, P.P. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2021. New Dinosaur Tracks from the Lower Barremian of Portugal (Areia do Mastro Formation, Cape Espichel). JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, 9: 84-96.
  94. LEONARDI, G. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2021. Vertebrate Trace Fossils: the Congo’s Brasilichnium mammaloid fossil footprints. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 140: 1-14.
  95. SALGADO-CAMPOS, V.M.J.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BERTOLINO, L.C.; DUARTE, T.A.; ARAÚJO, B.C. & BORGHI, L. 2021. Clay mineralogy and lithogeochemistry of lutites from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Member, Araripe Basin, NE Brazil: Implications for paleoenvironmental, paleoclimatic and provenance reconstructions. JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES, v. 110, p. 103329, 2021.
  96. CARVALHO, I.S.; RAMINELLI, R.; HENRIQUES, M.H.P.; SOARES, R.C.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G. & FREITAS, F.I. 2021. The Araripe Geopark (NE Brazil):Discovering the Earth’s Past as a Driver of Economic and Social Transformation. Geoheritage (2021) 13:60. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-021-00586-4.
  97. NOVAS, F.E.; AGNOLÍN, FL.L; LIO, G.L.; ROZADILLA, S.; SUÁREZ, M.; DELA CRUZ, R.; CARVALHO, I.S.; RUBILAR-ROGERS, D. & ISASI, M.P. 2021. New transitional fossil from late Jurassic of Chile sheds light on the origin of modern crocodiles. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93994-z.
  98. GUERRA-SOMMER, M.; SIEGLOCH, A.M.; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I.; SCARAMUZZA DOS SANTOS, Â.C.; CARVALHO, I.S.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G. & FREITAS, F.I. 2021. Climate change during the deposition of the Aptian Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, Brazil): Preliminary data based on wood signatures, Journal of South American Earth Sciences (2021). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103462.
  99. DARLIM, G.; CARVALHO, I.S.; TAVARES, S.A.S. & LANGER, M.C. 2021. A new Pissarrachampsinae specimen from the Bauru Basin, Brazil, adds data to the understanding of the Baurusuchidae (Mesoeucrocodylia, Notosuchia) distribution in the Late Cretaceous of South America, Cretaceous Research, 128 (2021), 104969. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2021.104969.
  100. GUERRA-SOMMER, M.; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I.; MENDONÇA, J.; MENDONÇA FILHO, J.G.; LOPES, F.D.; SALGADO-CAMPOS, V.M.J.; ARAÚJO, B. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2021. Multidisciplinary approach as a key for paleoenvironmental interpretation in a Weichselia-dominantinterval from the late Aptian Codó Formation (Parnaíba Basin, Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 111 (2021). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103490.
  101. GOMES, J.M.P.; RIOS-NETTO, A.M.; BORGHI, L.; CARVALHO, I.S.; MENDONÇA FILHO, J.G.; SABARAENSE, L.D. & ARAÚJO, B.C. 2021. Cyclostratigraphic analysis of the early Cretaceous laminated limestones of the Araripe Basin, NE Brazil: Estimating sedimentary depositional rates. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112 (2021) 103563. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2021.103563.
  102. CARVALHO, I.S.; CUNHA, P.P. & FIGUEIREDO, S.M.D. 2021. Dinoturbation in Upper Jurassic siliciclastic levels at Cabo Mondego (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): evidences in a fluvial-dominated deltaic succession, Palaeoworld (2021). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palwor.2021.09.001
  103. PAIVA, T.S. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2021. A putatively extinct higher taxon of Spirotrichea (Ciliophora) from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. Scientific Reports (2021) 11:19110. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-97709-2.
  104. RIBEIRO, R.C.; KINOSHITA, A.; ARAUJO Jr., H.I.; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G.; CARVALHO, I.S. & BAFFA, O. 2021. ESR dating of Toxodon teeth from Baixa Grande, Bahia, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112 (2021)  103616.
  105. SCARAMUZZA SANTOS, A.C.; SIELOCH, A.M.; GUERRA-SOMMER, M.; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I. & CARVALHO, I. 2021. Agathoxylon santanensis sp. nov. from the Aptian Crato fossil Lagerstatte, Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 112 (2021) 103633.
  106. DIAS, J.J. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2022. The role of microbial mats in the exquisite preservation of Aptian insect fossils from the Crato Lagerstatte, Brazil. Cretaceous Research, 130 (2022) 105068.
  107. CARVALHO, I.S.; AGNOLIN, F.L.; ROZADILLA, S.; NOVAS, F.E.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G. & XAVIER-NETO, J. 2021. A new ornithuromorph bird from the Lower Cretaceous of South America, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1988623
  108. INIESTO, M.; GUTIÉRREZ-SILVA, P.; DIAS, J.J.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BUSCALIONI, A.D.; LÓPEZ-ARCHILLA, A.I. 2021.  Soft tissue histology of insect larvae decayed in laboratory experiments using microbial mats: Taphonomic comparison with Cretaceous fossil insects from the exceptionally preserved biota of Araripe, Brazil.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 564 (2021) 110156.
  109. FIGUEIREDO, S.D.; CUNHA, P.P.; SUBERBIOLA, X.P.; NETO DE CARVALHO, C.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BUFFETAUT, E.; TONG, H.; SOUSA, M.F.; ANTUNES, V. & ANASTÁCIO, R. 2022. The dinosaur tracksite from the lower Barremian of Areia do Mastro Formation (Cabo Espichel, Portugal): implications for dinosaur behavior. Cretaceous Research 137 (2022) 105219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105219.
  110. MENDES, I.D.; SANTANA, W. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2022. Fossil hymenosomatid crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of NE Brazil, Cretaceous Research 134(2022) 105174. https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105174.
  111. FIGUEIREDO, S.D.; CUNHA, P.P. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2022. Marine mammals fossil remains and synthesis of the sedimentary and paleontological record of the Furninha Cave Pleistocene (Peniche, Portugal). Cuaternario y Geomorfología (2022), 36 (1-2), xx-xx 10.17735/cyg.v36i1-2.89297
  112. FIGUEIREDO, S.D.; CARVALHO, I.S.; PEREDA-SUBERBIOLA, X.; CUNHA, P.P.; ANTUNES, V.; D’AZ-MARTÍNEZ, I. 2022. New ornithopod footprints from the Areia do Mastro Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Espichel Cape (Portugal, Western Iberia) and their context in the Iberian ichnological ornithopod record. Cretaceous Research, 131, p. 105069, 2022.
  113. HENRIQUES, M.H.P. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2022. Culturally Diferentiated Paths Towards the Conservation of the Paleontological Heritage at Araripe (NE Brazil) and Arouca (N Portugal) UNESCO Global Geoparks. Geoheritage (2022) 14:68 
  114.  KUHN, C.E.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; REIS, F.A.G.V.; SPISILA, A.L. & NOLASCO, M.C. 2022. Are Fossils Mineral or Cultural Heritage? The Perspective of Brazilian Legislation. Geoheritage (2022) 14:85 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-022-00719-3 .
  115. SCARAMUZZA DOS SANTOS, A.C.; GUERRA-SOMMER, M.; DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I.; SIEGLOCH, A.M.; MENDONÇA, J.O.; MENDONÇA FILHO, J.G.; CARVALHO, I.S. 2022.  Record of Brachyoxylon patagonicum, a Cheirolepidiaceae wood preserved by gelification in the Aptian Maceió Formation, Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 118 (2022) 103950.
  116. CARVALHO, I.S. & LEONARDI, G. 2022. The Invisibles of Science and the Paleontological Heritage: the Brazilian Study Case. Geoheritage, v. 14, p. 107, 2022.
  117. FIGUEIREDO, S.D. ; CARVALHO, I.S.; PEREDA SUBERBIOLA, X. ; CUNHA, P.P. & BACHTSEVANIDOU, S.I. & ANTUNES, V. 2022. Ornithopod dinosaur remains from the Papo Seco Formation (lower Barremian, Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): a review of old and new finds. Historical Biology, v. 2022, p. 1-12, 2022.
  118. SALGADO-CAMPOS, V.M.C ; CARVALHO, I.S.; BERTOLINO, L.C.; BORGHI, L.; RIOS-NETTO, A.M.; ARAÚJO, B.C.; SOUZA, D.S.; FERREIRA, L.O. & BOBCO, F.E.R. 2022. Unraveling an alkaline lake and a climate change in Northeastern Brazil during the Late Aptian. Sedimentary Geology v. 442, p. 106290, 2022.
  119. CARVALHO, M.G.P.; MAISEY, J.G.; MENDES, I.D. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2022.  Micro-tomographic analysis of a scorpion fossil from the Aptian Crato Formation of North-Eastern Brazil, Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2022.105454
  120.  SANTOS, D.; CARVALHO, I.S. & RIBEIRO, G.C. 2023. A cranefly rendezvous: The highest known Mesozoic diversity of Tipulidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of NE Brazil. Cretaceous Research, v. 142, p. 105372, 2023.
  121. LAMM, F.; LIMA, F.H.O.; ALVES, C.F. & CARVALHO, I.S . 2023. Calcareous nannofossils from the Poggio le Guaine core (Umbria-Marche Basin, central Italy): biostratigraphy and discussions on the bioevents of the Aptian-Albian interval. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH,  2023,105474.
  122. CARVALHO, I.S. &  LEONARDI, G. 2022. Dinosaur tracks from the Sítio Pereiros ichnosite, Triunfo Basin (Lower Cretaceous) and the dinosaur diversity in the Rio do Peixe basins, Northeastern Brazil. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2022, 105446.
  123. BATISTA, D.L.; CARVALHO, I.S. & DE LA FUENTE, M.S. 2023. Araripemys barretoi: Paleoecological analysis of a pelomedusoid Chelonia from the Lower Cretaceous of Araripe and Parnaíba basins, Brazil. Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105503
  124. DEGANI-SCHMIDT, I.; GUERRA-SOMMER, M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2023.  Stomatal numbers of Pseudofrenelopsis capillata (Cheirolepidiaceae, Coniferales) in the peri-equatorial late Aptian Crato Formation (Santana group, Araripe Basin, Brazil) and their paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental significance.  Journal of South American Earth Sciences 126 (2023) 104331.
  125. LAMM, F.; LIMA, F.H.O.; ALVES, C.F. & CARVALHO, I.S . 2023. Calcareous nannofossils from the Poggio le Guaine core (Umbria-Marche Basin, central Italy): biostratigraphy and discussions on the bioevents of the Aptian-Albian interval. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH,  2023,105474.
  126. BATISTA, D.L.; CARVALHO, I.S. & DE LA FUENTE, M.S. 2023. Araripemys barretoi: Paleoecological analysis of a pelomedusoid Chelonia from the Lower Cretaceous of Araripe and Parnaíba basins, Brazil. Cretaceous Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2023.105503
  127. KUHN, C.E.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; REIS, F.A.G.V.; SPISILA, A.L.; NOLASCO, M.C.; HACH, A.H. 2023. Ubirajara: The dilemma of the Brazilian fossil curator. Geological Curator,  11(7):469-479. https:// doi.org/10.55468/GC1463
  128. DIAS, J.J.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BUSCALIONI, Á.D.; UMAMAHESWARAN, R.; ISABEL LÓPEZ-ARCHILLA, A. ; PRADO, G.; ANDRADE, J.A.F.G. 2023. Mayfly larvae preservation from the Early Cretaceous of Brazilian Gondwana: Analogies with modern mats and other Lagerstätten. Gondwana Research, 124 (2023): 188-205.
  129. ARCANJO, S.H.S.; SOUSA, D.G.A.; MEDEIROS, M.A.; LINDOSO, R.M.; SOUSA, E.P ; CARVALHO, I.S. 2023. Tectonic aspects of the Rio Parnaíba Lineament, Duque Bacelar region, Maranhão State, based on the record of Dinosauria, Spinosaurinae. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 26: 114-121.
  130. FIGUEIREDO, S.D; MARQUES, C.; ROSA, I.S.; CUNHA, P.P.; CARVALHO, I.S. 2023. Sauropod dinosaur remains from the Papo-Seco Formation (lower Barremian, Lusitanian Basin, Cabo Espichel, Portugal): previous and new discoveries. Cretaceous Research, 151 (2023), 105657.
  131. SALGADO, F.L.K.; CARVALHO, I.S. 2023. Cannibal predatory habits and their relationships with body shape and swimming pattern in the Cretaceous fish Dastilbe crandalli Jordan, 1910 from the Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Cretaceous Research, 152 (2023) 105685.
  132. LEONARDI, G.; FERNANDES, M.A.; CARVALHO, I.S.; SCHUTZER, J.B.; SILVA, R.C. 2024. Farlowichnus rapidus new ichnogen., new ichnosp.: A speedy and small theropod in the Early Cretaceous Botucatu paleodesert (Paraná Basin), Brazil. CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, v. 153, p. 105720, 2024.
  133. BORSONI, B.T. & CARVALHO, I.S. & MARINHO, T.S. 2024. Armadillosuchus arrudai (Sphagesauridae, Crocodyliformes), Adamantina Formation (Turonian – Santonian), Bauru Basin, southeastern Brazil: Dental development aspects. Cretaceous Research, v. 2024,  105838.
  134. LIMA, J.T.M. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2024. Curatorial Management on Geological and Paleontological Collections in Brazil: Integrative Policies for the Ex Situ Geoheritage. Geoheritage, 2024, 16, p. 16.
  135. CARVALHO, I.S. 2024. Registos temporais do Cretácico Gondwânico na Bacia do Araripe, Brasil. Evolução – Revista de Geistória e Pré-História 3(1): 13-17. ISSN:1645-6297.
  136. KUHN, C.E.S.; CARVALHO, I.S.; REIS, F.A.G.V.; SPISILA, A.L.; NOLASCO, M.C.; HACH, A.H. & STRIEDER, A.J. 2024. Brazilian fossils are not necessarily cultural heritage. Nature Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024- 02396-.
  137. FIGUEIREDO, S.D.;  PROENÇA CUNHA,  P.C.; PALMA, A.M.; CARVALHO, I.S. & MONTEIRO, c. 2024. New dinosaur tracks from middle Albian of Cascais, Portugal (Lusitanian Basin). In: TAYLOR, L.H.; RAYNOLDS, R.G. & LUCAS, S.G. (eds.). 2024, Vertebrate Paleoichnology: A Tribute to Martin Lockley. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 95: 103-110.
  138. CARVALHO, I.S.; DIAS, J.J.; SILVA, D.S.; BORGHI, L., ANDRADE, A.F.G.; VIANA, M.S.S.; LIMA FILHO, M.F.; SCHMITT, R.S.; RIOS-NETTO, A.M.; FIGUEIREDO, S.D. & LEONARDI, G. 2024. A new dinosaur tracksite from the Araripe Basin (Brazil) and the putative Early Paleozoic age for the Mauriti Formation. In: TAYLOR, L.H.; RAYNOLDS, R.G. & LUCAS, S.G. (eds.). 2024, Vertebrate Paleoichnology: A Tribute to Martin Lockley. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 95: 97-102.
  139. JACOBS, L.L.; FLYNN L.J.; SCOTESE, C.R. VINEYARD, D.P. & CARVALHO, I.S. 2024. The Early Cretaceous Borborema-Cameroon dinosaur dispersal corridor. In: TAYLOR, L.H.; RAYNOLDS, R.G. & LUCAS, S.G. (eds.). 2024, Vertebrate Paleoichnology: A Tribute to Martin Lockley. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 95: 199-212.
  140. Chiape, L.M.; Navalon, G.; Martinelli, A.G.; Carvalho, I.S.; Santucci, R.M.; Wu, Y-H. & Field, D.J. 2024. Cretaceous bird from Brazil informs the evolution of the avian skull and brain. Nature 635: 376–381. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08114-4.
  141. BUSCALIONI, Á.D.; UMAMAHESWARAN, R.; SÁNCHEZ-GARCÍA, A.; LÓPEZ-ARCHILLA, A.I. DIAS, J.J.; CARVALHO, I.S.; BLANCO-MORENO, C. & MARUGÁN-LÓBON, J. 2025. Exceptional preservation in mayfly nymphs (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from the Early Cretaceous of the Las Hoyas fossil. Cretaceous Research 167 (2025), 106052. 
  142. BOLSONI, B.T & CARVALHO, I.S. 2024. Dental Replacement inCaipirasuchus (Crocodyliformes) From the Brazilian Cretaceous, Journal of South American Earth Sciences,146 (2024), 105084.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105084.
  143. FARIA, F.H.C.; CARVALHO, I.S.; ARAÚJO-JÚNIOR, H.I.; XIMENES, C.L. & FACINCANI, E.M. 2025. 3,500 years BP: The last survival of the mammal megafauna in the Americas. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 153 (2025) 105367